Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Gun control makes sense

I'm completely against the idea of guns in schools and handguns in homes

Countries that do not have so many hand guns and automatic weapons have less violence. It is fairly difficult to seriously hurt someone without a gun. People with a gun can get angry and easily kill a person—usually a family member. When I was 19 my mom was angry and had a small handgun. She said she was going to kill my step father and then kill herself. Fortunately, I was able to snatch it away from her. I got rid of it. If you do not have experience with someone in the derangement of anger who has a gun, then you should be very guarded in promoting gun ownership.

Every death of a child by a gun is one too many. The right to bear arms is for community and national security in a militia and for hunting. Our country will probably never stop selling guns of all sorts and it is a curse.

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