Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Gun control makes sense -- Part 2

I am not against the ownership of hunting guns. And I don’t think that people who currently own guns legally should be forced to turn them in. But the making of hand guns should be drastically cut back. Eventually only police and security people should be able to have hand guns. All guns turned in or captured from criminals or from people who do not have proper licenses should be destroyed as soon as ballistics test are done. They should not be resold or even used by police.

Make stiffer penalties for illegal ownership. Just because guns are ubiquitous now does not mean this can’t be changed. If hand guns and automatic assault rifles are cut down drastically that would be great. Also make the purchase of ammo more difficult. It should be just as hard to get as industrial explosives. Hunters, cops and etc. can plan ahead.

And those who legally own guns now should be willing to show to some local law enforcement officer that they have trigger guards, have secure safes, and have taken adequate courses in safe ownership. Education is very key.

The situation now is nearly anyone can easily purchase hand guns and bullets without background checks in almost all parts of the country. Gun manufacturers and sellers must be made more responsible for weapons. We can do some things that will help drastically cut gun violence.

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