Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mr. Jones gets "cut" from Manley

On Thursday I found out that Chicago Public Schools does not want too many teachers. I am one of the teachers who lost their jobs. Tuesday will be my last day. Yes, that is tomorrow. Your schedule will be changed. The classes at Manley will now be bigger. Do you feel that this is a good thing?

No Child Left Behind. But teachers can be fired just so the payroll is smaller. Who cares that class sizes will grow? Do not blame anyone at Manley. This was caused by district leaders' decisions down in the loop. They say that schools can only have enough teachers so that each class has 28 students--sometimes more.

1 comment:

Bogusman said...

These people is so petty 4 makin Mr. Jones lose his job jus so dat they'd have smaller payrolls. Mr. Jones is a good teacher n i think he deserve his job.